Tools and Services


Collaborate by design

When collaboration is thoughtfully designed, we get more done in less time. We’re more effective, more productive, and happier to be at work. 

Stop Meeting Like This helps teams and organizations adopt the mindsets and practices to improve collaboration, making more room for innovation, agility, problem-solving, and joyful work. From custom consulting engagements, to use-now playbooks and toolkits, to inspiring workshops and keynotes, SMLT has a wide range of solutions to help you organization start working smarter today. 

Engagements with SMLT consulting are custom-designed to meet your unique needs and goals. There are four high-leverage entry points for change we often incorporate into our plans:

How leaders engage with the organization to inspire, motivate, and recognize their team members, and the mechanisms available for individuals to express concerns and suggestions

Our team of expert communicators supports organizations in building communication systems, cultivating powerful leadership presence, and delivering high-impact messages.

The individual skills and collective capabilities an organization needs to deliver on its promised value

Collaborating effectively is not an innate talent. It requires individuals to have a set of specific skills, but more importantly, it demands intention and mindfulness. Our development sessions incorporate deep reflection, peer coaching, and innovative practices that inspire teams to set a new standard for how they invest their time and energy.

The signals that employees receive on a day-to-day basis about what is valued and rewarded in the organization

A culture of excellence, inclusion, and psychological safety is foundational to realizing your collaborative potential. We help you manifest a resilient culture that embodies the values of the people on the team.

Large-scale meetings are critical to collective performance – and they’re a major pain point for most organizations

Our team has mastered the art of meeting design at any scale. We go deep to understand your organization and your aspirations before creating an inclusive experience that brings together the best of adult learning theory with our decades-long background in meeting design. Then we add in a little creative pizazz to make your meeting truly exceptional, whether it’s for thirty people or three hundred.

Intelligent Collaboration is a way of working that unleashes the full potential of teams and organizations by using their time and energy with greater intention. Your ability to achieve Intelligent Collaboration is based on the strength of your Collaborative Fabric – four interconnected organizational threads that either enhance or inhibit the effectiveness of your collaboration. The Intelligent Collaboration Index assesses the degree to which your organization is currently able to produce results through collaboration. It also determines how each of the four threads – Leader Signals, Operating Model, Team Health, and Work Practices – is supporting or hindering performance. Leveraging both quantitative and qualitative inputs, the index pinpoints areas of strength and weakness across your collaborative fabric and provides specific recommendations for improving performance.


Thrive, our core leadership development offering, supports leaders as they build the mindsets and capabilities to lead  productive, healthy, thriving teams. Learning sessions are combined with group coaching to promote real-time integration of  new practices and provide a safe space to ask questions, discuss challenges, and receive  both peer and expert feedback. Covered topics include delegation, building a culture of accountability, individual / team well-being, and coaching for development.

Elevate is communications-focused program designed to "elevate" ability and confidence 
in presenting information to a range of stakeholders. Designed for mid- to senior-level managers, Elevate includes modules on meeting effectiveness, situational communications, and cultivating executive presence. Optional coaching and observations provide real-time support as leaders put their new skills into practice.

When it comes to creating a shared sense of purpose, making important connections,and invigorating your company culture, there’s no substitute to coming together, whether it's in-person or virtually.

Annual meetings and multi-day offsite gatherings are a major investment for many teams. We maximize the ROI by developing memorable, unexpected events that incorporate team-building, strategic thinking, and skill development in service of the team’s highest goals. Learn more about planning your meeting with Stop Meeting Like This.

SMLT offers a wide range of courses, all of which can be delivered as a 60-90 minute learning sessions or a 2-3 hour workshops. We deliver these workshops as stand-alone, in-person, virtual, or hybrid sessions; or as part of SMLT- or client-planned offsites / team meetings. View our course catalog to learn more.