Article Archive

  • Better meetings alone won’t solve your problem

    Meeting time has a real cost.

    Back-to-back meetings. Constantly running late. No time to prepare. Spending the first 10 minutes trying to establish the purpose of the meeting. Spending the next 10 thinking you shouldn’t be there. Such is the life of the…

  • The 4-Hour workweek for the rest of us

    Efficiency is my love language. While it’s not officially one of the five love language options, anyone who knows me well will affirm the truth of it. I despise waste. Given that, I’m a longtime fan of The 4-Hour Workweek by…

  • Want to be more inclusive? Fix your meetings

    Given the percentage of our work lives spent in meetings, they are a great place to focus to ensure that everyone’s voice is valued.

    Let’s be honest—meetings have never been the panacea for encouraging problem-solving, collaboration, and camaraderie they were intended to be. But now that some of us are back in the office and others are still at home, frankly,…

  • Stop Meeting and Start Working Asynchronously

    One of the constraints that eased up during our collective work-from-home experiment was the need for everyone to do their work at the same time. With the sudden burden of parenting, teaching, and caregiving during traditional…

  • Perfectionists, these are the costs of always wanting to do things better

    Employees who take pride in a drive for excellence and high standards may ignore the drawbacks of accepting zero mistakes.

    “Is that the best you can do?” How many times were you asked this as a child when you failed to achieve that perfect grade? How many times a day do you ask yourself this now in reference to…

  • Set A High Standard For Hybrid Work

    Flashback to February 2020. For most, work meant commuting into an office and spending the bulk of the day in face-to-face interactions with colleagues. If you were lucky, your company offered the flexibility to occasionally…

  • You Desperately Need A Vacation

    Wash me… Organize me… Fix me… Every moment in my house is an opportunity for it to add to my already jam-packed to-do list. The demands are relentless. And now that I’ve been working from my home for over a year, everything…

  • Three Ways To Reset Your Work-Life Boundary

    It’s been 20 years since the Personal Digital Assistant started tearing down the wall between work and life. If there was any wall still standing, the global pandemic took it all the way down. Now that home is the office,…

  • Now Is The Time To Stop Wasting Time

    Consider this: If you spend the majority of your work life in meetings and the majority of those meetings suck, according to the transitive property, your life sucks. While many executives would agree this is true, convincing…

  • Looking Forward At Year End

    2020 was a horror movie with an implausible number of plot twists. Remember when the big story was the devastating Australian bushfires? While January 1 won’t be a light switch, it is increasingly likely that we’ll take steps…