Article Archive

  • To Meet Or Email -- That Is The Question

    It’s no wonder that they are selling printed T-shirts with the slogan, “I just survived a meeting that should have been an email.” It’s a dreadfully common occurrence. A client Diane recently shared this anecdote: She was…

  • Procrastination: Why It's So Hard To Break The Habit

    Anyone who has a teenager in the house is familiar with the perils of procrastination. “I’ll do it later” is a common refrain in both kitchens and cubicles across the globe. Many of us have self-recriminations about our tendency…

  • Invest 20 Minutes To Reclaim 10% Of Your Team's Time

    Ten percent may not sound like much, but think of it this way: if you have a team of 10 people and each person could reclaim four hours a week of wasted time, you’d collectively have an extra 40 hours per week—roughly the…

  • 3 Decision-Making Wrongs And How To Make Them Right

    Organizations are decision making machines. Their performance, then, depends on the quality of those decisions, an assertion that has been validated through numerous research studies. Sometimes, it’s hard to know if a decision…

  • Five Things Not To Do When Launching A Project

    Redundant, parallel projects being run in separate departments. Endless delays and missed deadlines because of day-to-day priorities. Poorly run meetings where everyone has lost the plot. Failing to deliver on the real…

  • Three Solutions To Three Age Old Meeting Problems

    A longitudinal study published by Harvard Business Review found that CEOs spend 72% of their time in meetings. While top executives’ calendars may be an extreme version of the problem, most leaders are overwhelmed. They perpetually…

  • Dam, Flow Or Flood: How Does Information Travel In Your Organization?

    In agile, complex, collaborative organizations, there is a direct connection between the quality of information flow and the quality of results. Shared context (or shared consciousness as described in the great book Team…

  • How Time Crunches Kill Curiosity

    Time is our least renewable resource. While “time management” sounds like a nice-to-have, it’s actually essential to producing innovation. There is a direct connection between the amount of time employees have to reflect,…

  • Why We Love To Hate Meetings, But Keep Going To Them Anyway

    Given the name of our organization – Stop Meeting Like This – we frequently get asked what people can do to upgrade the quality of their meetings. We provide the usual prescriptions: Get super clear on the purpose and…

  • Three Actions That Put The Functional In Cross-Functional Collaboration

    Even when teams have a shared purpose, clear strategy, and aligned success measures, cross-functional collaboration can feel harder than it should be.