Pam Asen, Consultant

Pam Asen has spent more than a decade supporting diverse teams through a trauma-informed lens. She has driven change, coached leaders, and strengthened systems to better meet the needs of all involved. Pam has a Master’s degree in social work from Columbia University, which she applies to her understanding of team health and human systems.

Pam is committed to transforming the way that people work and their experience while doing so. She believes that with solid organizational infrastructure, effective collaboration practices, and strong psychological safety, employees can thrive.

Fun Fact

When Pam’s not working, you can find her reading poetry and trying to keep her dozens of houseplants alive.

  • Angeline

  • Ashley

  • Beth

  • Brenda

  • Carolyn

  • John

  • Julie

  • Kevin

  • Renee

  • Shani