Shani Harmon, Founder and CEO

Guided by the belief that work can be both joyful and productive, Shani and the Stop Meeting Like This team partner with forward-thinking leaders to reimagine knowledge work in their organizations. As a global thought leader and expert practitioner, Shani inspires leaders to reset the standard for how organizational time is consumed. For more than 20 years, she has consulted with Fortune 500 companies around the world, helping them transform meetings, work practices, and collaboration while eradicating wasteful and mindless activity.

Efficiency is Shani’s love language. Her work is aimed at raising expectations and eliminating the barriers that prevent teams from achieving greatness.

Fun Fact

While Shani’s given name is Lucienne Denée, she is Irish, not French.

  • Angeline

  • Ashley

  • Beth

  • Brenda

  • Carolyn

  • John

  • Kevin

  • Pam

  • Renee